White Christmas guitar cover

White Christmas – guitar learning progress after 4 months

I started to learn classical guitar about 4 months ago as we continued to stay at home due to the pandemic. As a violinist, I was able to pick up some basic skills quickly, especially the left hand techniques. But there are still many differences between violin and guitar, and I will keep trying to …

Ting-Li Lin's vlog


I just started my vlog on YouTube this week, in which I’m going to share with you what’s happening in my life and my photography and video production business. Occasionally I might talk about music, statistics, or curling. If you have any suggestion, please leave your comment here or on my YouTube channel.  Please subscribe …

Igudesman and Joo

Just learned about these two amazing musicians yesterday. They have known each other since the age of 12. Their incredible sense of humor really touches me. I admire their talent for making fun with music while being serious classical music musicians. Below are a few videos of their performance I like the most. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xui7x_KF7bY&w=640&h=480] …

Pro Arte Quartet

The Pro Arte Quartet is celebrating their 100th anniversary this season. I went to their opening concert last month and really enjoyed their performance, especially David Perry (1st violin) and Parry Karp (cello). The Quartet will have their second concert tomorrow (Nov 19th), again in the Mills Hall, University of Wisconsin-Madison. The program includes the …