Untitled by Ting-Li Lin

Shooting Film

For years, I have been shooting both film and digital. Yet this year might be my last year shooting film, for it has become less and less practical for me in the past few years. This is just a thought, and still in doubt is whether or not I would give up films before I …

Winter by Ting-Li Lin


This photo was taken near the entrance of the UW-Madison Arboretum with a Fujifilm G617 panoramic camera, which I bought last year but didn’t spend much time with it until recently. Its 105mm lens is ideal for me, if not the most ideal, and its 6cm by 17cm images are gorgeous. (Who still looks at …


終於拍完今年的第二卷 120 底片,這張竟是六個月前拍的耶!(嚴格說起來這應該是第一卷,因為另一卷其實是拿去測試相機用了。)