Untitled by Ting-Li Lin

Shooting Film

For years, I have been shooting both film and digital. Yet this year might be my last year shooting film, for it has become less and less practical for me in the past few years. This is just a thought, and still in doubt is whether or not I would give up films before I …


Comparing to the temperature today in Madison, the weather was actually not too bad when I was in Munising, MI, a week ago. The highest temperature was 8 degrees below zero around noon, and it may reach 17 degrees below zero tonight. Plus wind chill, it’s more like 30 to 40 degrees below zero. On …

Munising Falls

I spent my last 7 days of the year 2013 around Munising, Michigan, which is next to the Pictured Rock National Lakeshore along Lake Superior. The main purpose of the trip was to have myself recharged and to get ready for the year 2014. I took photographs during the day and spent the evenings reading …

Two Trees by Ting-Li Lin

Two Trees

Some of you may know that I broke my Fujifilm G617 few months ago, and Fujifilm couldn’t repair it because the parts are no longer available. Not that I repaired it by myself, but I bought another one because I really love this format. Winter is finally gone. I feel it’s too hot already.

Solitude V-02 by Ting-Li Lin


This is photo #12 in my latest series Solitude. You can find other photos in this series through this link. Please feel free to leave your feedback here. Thank you!