Solitude V-02 by Ting-Li Lin


This is photo #12 in my latest series Solitude. You can find other photos in this series through this link. Please feel free to leave your feedback here. Thank you!

Indie Coffee by Ting-Li Lin

Indie Coffee

My favorite coffee shop in Madison. Not only do I like their coffee, I also enjoy the atmosphere there. It is sometimes the place where I come out with new ideas in life and photography.

Winter by Ting-Li Lin


This photo was taken near the entrance of the UW-Madison Arboretum with a Fujifilm G617 panoramic camera, which I bought last year but didn’t spend much time with it until recently. Its 105mm lens is ideal for me, if not the most ideal, and its 6cm by 17cm images are gorgeous. (Who still looks at …

Wisconsin Winter

已經不記得上回遇到華氏零下的氣溫是什麼時候了,也很久沒看到發電廠運作得那麼起勁。 至少,上班之前天已亮,下班之時夜未至,拍照的時間應該會愈來愈多才是。 接下來的一個月會是今年最關鍵的一個月 — 能愈冷愈開花嗎?

高雄 · Kaohsiung

台灣,是個既熟悉又陌生的地方。從來沒好好看過台灣,或許是沒機會,但更有可能是不願。兩年前重新認識了一下花蓮,今年,如蜻蜓點水般地造訪了高雄。 兩次旅途,都是為了見見朋友。


I spent some time this week on redesigning my web site and integrating all my blogs into this one. Instead of having different things in different places, now I think putting them together may not be a bad thing since I found my focuses had diverged over the past year and each blog seemed to …