Pro Arte Quartet

The Pro Arte Quartet is celebrating their 100th anniversary this season. I went to their opening concert last month and really enjoyed their performance, especially David Perry (1st violin) and Parry Karp (cello). The Quartet will have their second concert tomorrow (Nov 19th), again in the Mills Hall, University of Wisconsin-Madison. The program includes the …

Moore Hall

Autumn is still hanging around. Winter is yet to come. Jobs, Cash, and Hope are all gone. To be followed is my heart.


畢業之後雖然還沒有一份正式的工作,但也找了一些事情給自己忙。攝影當然是其中一件。除了架設這個新網站,並且把四月份開始的 Konica Hexanon Project 也整合在一起之外,還送件到 Center for Photography at Madison 經營的 Steenbock Gallery 爭取參加他們明年度的攝影展。 上禮拜收到他們寄來的通知,說他們接受了我的申請,展期排在明年的一月二日至二月三日,共五個禮拜。展出 Decomposing series 中的作品,約二十件左右。高興之餘,也有點擔心接下來有沒有足夠的時間和精力準備展覽,畢竟時間只剩下兩個月不到。不管怎樣,這將是我人生的第一個攝影展,就跟它拼了吧!