Untitled by Ting-Li Lin

Shooting Film

For years, I have been shooting both film and digital. Yet this year might be my last year shooting film, for it has become less and less practical for me in the past few years. This is just a thought, and still in doubt is whether or not I would give up films before I …

Wisconsin Winter

已經不記得上回遇到華氏零下的氣溫是什麼時候了,也很久沒看到發電廠運作得那麼起勁。 至少,上班之前天已亮,下班之時夜未至,拍照的時間應該會愈來愈多才是。 接下來的一個月會是今年最關鍵的一個月 — 能愈冷愈開花嗎?

Oh, summer!

今年的夏天真是熱得不像話,除了上禮拜得天天開冷氣之外,不知道已經有多久沒下雨了,一直到昨天才下了大約兩個小時的小雨。公園、球場的草地全都變成褐色,除草機也都消聲匿跡了。 如果能這樣悠閒地泡在水裡,看著大山大水,該有多好? Lake McDonald, Glacier National Park (2007)

6 months


What’s next?


Moore Hall

Autumn is still hanging around. Winter is yet to come. Jobs, Cash, and Hope are all gone. To be followed is my heart.