Solitude V-02 by Ting-Li Lin


This is photo #12 in my latest series Solitude. You can find other photos in this series through this link. Please feel free to leave your feedback here. Thank you!

Indie Coffee by Ting-Li Lin

Indie Coffee

My favorite coffee shop in Madison. Not only do I like their coffee, I also enjoy the atmosphere there. It is sometimes the place where I come out with new ideas in life and photography.

Wisconsin Winter

已經不記得上回遇到華氏零下的氣溫是什麼時候了,也很久沒看到發電廠運作得那麼起勁。 至少,上班之前天已亮,下班之時夜未至,拍照的時間應該會愈來愈多才是。 接下來的一個月會是今年最關鍵的一個月 — 能愈冷愈開花嗎?